Drinking fountain for Väven, the Cultural House of Umeå, Sweden. Bronze, copper pipes and water technic.
Drinking fountain for Väven, the Cultural House of Umeå, Sweden. Bronze, copper pipes and water technic.
During Gallery Weekend Berlin in September, Haus N Berlin will present a special show, in cooperation with Haverkampf Gallery, in Kreuzberg, including Veronica Brovall/Stephen Kent/Maximilian Kirmse; titled Kirmse, Kent, Brovall : durch die Blume. Opening Wednesday 9.9. 5–9pm, and on view through Thursday 10.09.
- Saturday 12.09 2-7pm. Michaelkirchplatz 4.
Exhibition parcours with flags – to the art by bicycle.
28 artists, 28 flags, 28 countries.
27.7. — 30.10. 2020, Stadt Storkow
a project by infected landscapes
Berlin, March 4th, 2020, 6pm
Changing room / Wedding
Rick Buckley, Erik Steinbecher, Gabriel Vormstein, Quirin Bäumler, Alexandra Hopf, Rolf Graf, Veronica Brovall, Eva Berendes, Alex Müller, Jeroen Jacobs, Stephen Kent, Kane Do, Tatiana Echeverri Fernandez, Matti Isan Blind, Anne Gathmann, Florian Neufeldt, Michael Laurent.
Group show at hangmenProjects, Stockholm.
Opening 6 of March. Runs until 4 of April.
Group exhibition, 12 of December – 1 of February 2020, Berlin.
www.lage-egal.net @lage__egal
Idioms and High Heeled Structure, aquired by the City of Västerås, Sweden. 1 ( 3). Original sculptures are made out of ceramics and are from 2014.
Veronica Brovall, Gunnhildur Sigrúnar Hauks, Lyndal Walker
Hosek Contemporary, Curated by Linda Toivio.
15 of August – 7 of September 2019
In August Moon Surrender, Text by Linda Toivio
eine Keramikausstellung kuratiert von Isa Melsheimer mit Arbeiten von:
Paweł Althamer, Veronica Brovall, Jojo Corväiá, René Corväiá-Koch, Tine Furler, Monika Grabuschnigg, Nico Ihlein, Leiko Ikemura, Jennifer Jordan, Susanne Jung, Simon Knab, Jonathan Meese, Myriam Mechita Volker Nikel, Jens Nippert, Dorothea Nold, Holger Pohl, Inken Reinert , Caro Suerkemper, Martin Wellmer, Gloria Zein
Opening 5 of Juli 2019, 19-24
6.-28. Juli 2019
Raum für Kunst Berlin
Solo exhibition at Bror Hjorts Hus, Uppsala, Sweden.
Press release, Exhibition folder, Exhibition documentation.
6 of February – 17 of March 2019
Solo exhibition at Uppsala Art Museum, Sweden.
7 of February – 12 of May 2019
Printed poster. Text by Ann Cotten
Veronica Brovall Johannes Esper Jennifer Jordan Jens Nippert Dorothea Nold
Opening Friday, Feb 22, 7 pm
Exhibition Feb 23 until March 3
Pavillon am Milchhof, Schwedter Strasse 232, 10435 Berlin
Sculpture exhibition with works by the artists David Adamo, Veronica Brovall, Lorenzo Scotto di Luzio, Katrin Plavcak and Patrick Tuttofuoco.
Opening 19 January 2019 – 23 of March.
dispari&dispari / Berlin
Böhmische Str. 11 -12 Neukölln
Andrea Sassi, artistic director
photo Andrea Sassi.
Veronica Brovall, Ann Edholm, Jonas Liveröd, Oskar Nilsson, Anna- Karin Rasmusson, Ragnar Persson, Roland Persson, Fie Norsker, Emelie Sandström, Danilio Stankovic, Pär Strömberg.
Group show curated by Oskar Nilsson.
Galleri Thomassen, Gothenburgh, Sweden.
10 of November – 2 of December 2018
Patrick Armstrong, Martin Backes, Veronica Brovall, Slawomir Elsner, Wojciech Fangor, Ektor Garcia, Mia Goyette, GM Keaton, Maja Kitajewska, Ryan McLaughlin, Margherita Pevere, Bernhard Rappold, Luka Rayski, Muhannad Shono, Camilla Steinum, Aiko Tezuka, Ulrich Vogl, Stephen Wilks.
Daydreamers is an ongoing project by Stephen Kent and Elisa Rusca.
Catherine Biocca, Shannon Bool,Veronica Brovall, Mirak Jamal, Lindsay Lawson, Peter Linde Busk, Conny Maier, Josep Maynou, Agnes Scherer, Paul DD Smith, Camilla Steinum. Philipp Haverkampf Galerie
30 Jun – 25 Aug 2018
Solo exhibition at Sophia Contemporary, Mayfair, London.
Wear the Heat will open to the public with a reception from 6-8PM on Tuesday, June 26, and will remain on view through August 4, 2018. The exhibition will be accompanied by a fully illustrated catalogue with a foreword written by Natasha Morris.
Veronica Brovall, Niina Lehtonen Braun and Ulrika Segerberg
26.5. – 3.6. 2018
Opening: Fr 25.5. 2018, 18-22
www.hilbertraum.org Neukölln, Berlin
Veronica Brovalls “Eating You Alive”will be shown at UKK 6/11-12/11. The sculpture Eating You Alive was acquired 2017 by the Museum of Art in Uppsala.
Text by Marcus Steinweg. Graphic design Olof Werngren.
Battle Cry will be two sculptures made out of bronze, placed outside”Olympia”- the football stadium in Helsingborg 1 of April 2017. Its possible to interact with the sculptures: the back will be open and in this way your head can “stick up” where the figures head ” should” have been. The height is 350 cm and 250 cm.
hangmenprojects.com. Featuring: Jakob Solgren, Maria Boij, Joakim Ojanen, Magdalena Nilsson, Nacho Tatjer, Éva Mag, Kjell Rylander, Klara Kristalova, Haidar Mahdi, Veronica Brovall, Anton Alvarez, Charlotta Östlund and Per B Sundberg. Curated by Stephen Mckenzie and Christian Sandell, assistant-curator Gerald James Heffernan. Produced by Hangmen Ab.
Opening 26th August 17.00 – 21.00. Closing – 1st October
Bronze sculpture with ” ready to play with” elements as ” fit in like a glove thumbs- up hands”, ballrace and holes. Comissioned by Örebro Kommun for Ervalla and Heimdals preeschools. The children are between 1-6 years old. Installed June 2016.
Opening 1 of May 2016. www.kaviarfactory.com Lofoten, Norway. Artist list: Marina Abramovic, Julieta Aranda, Rina Banerjee, Katherine Berhardt, Lina Bertucci, Elina Brotherus, Veronica Brovall, Nicola Costantino, Anne-Lise Coste, Angela de la Cruz, Angelica Dass, Abigail Deville, Nicole Eisenman, Ida Ekblad, Ceal Floyer, Diana Fonseca Quinones, Margi Geerlinks, Tiril Hasselknippe, Roni Horn, Marguerite Humeau, Sigalit Landau, Ulla Jokisalo, Selja Kameric, Katayoun Karamic, Adriana Lara, Maeda Haruuko, Trine Lise Nedreaas, Hedda Grevle ottesen, Marina Pinsky, Agnieszka Polska, Heli Rekula, Isabel Rocamora, Tamuna Sirbiladze, Charlotte Thiis-Evensen, Sophie Tottie, Jessica Warboys, Camilla Wærenskjold, Cindy Sherman.
Groupshow 4 June-4 September 2016. Outdoor Djurgården, Liljevalchs konsthall, Stockholm. Artists: Leif Elggren, Björn Perborg, Sonja Nilsson, Gunilla Bandolin, Veronica Brovall, Mandana Moghaddam, Berit Lindfeldt, Ulrik Samuelson and Anna Koch. “Lager”- steel and asphalt work in process February 2016.
Jubileumsutställning och årets Stipendiater, Uppsala Art museum, 5.12.2015 – 10.01. 2016.
Exhibition with Paul Brody, Veronica Brovall, Emil Holmer, Eva Grøttum, Aage Langhelle, Randi Nygård, Soft Turns, Munan Øvrelid Curator: Aage Langhelle. Opening 11 of December 20 – 22. prinz-georg // raum für kunst, Berlin
group exhibition curated by Filip Luyckx
Peter Beyls, Rob Buelens, Jeroen Boussier, Veronica Brovall, Joachim Devillé, Joëlle Dubois, Gilbert Fastenaekens, Nathalie Guilmot , Gauthier Hubert, Gudny Rosa Ingimarsdottir, Diana Tamane, Lore Van Elslande, Fik Van Gestel, Anne-Mie Van Kerkhoven, Katrien Vermeire
Faculty of Law University of Leuven, Belgium
08.10.2015 – 28.02.2016
Solo show, Hopstreet Gallery, Brussels. 11.09 – 31.10.2015. Pdf documentation. Pressrelease.
Solo show, Galleri Format, Oslo. Opening 13 of August. Galleri Format Oslo was founded in 1991 and is the leading gallery for contemporary crafts in Norway. A contemporary fine art artist is invited two times per year to exhibit in the gallery. In 2015 Veronica Brovall is one of them. The show is supported by IASPIS. Pressrelease.
Nordic contemporary art – part 1- Sweden
Galleri 21, Malmö. 2.05- 24.05. 2015
Torsten Hylander,Bo Hylander, Mats Hjelm, Hanna Stahle,Johanna Schartau,Åsa Maria Bengtsson, Aleksandra Kucharska, Josabet Werkmäster, Ella Tillema,Emil Holmer, Veronica Brovall, Gertrud Alfredsson, Mette Hansen,Göran Green, Karl Adrian
Soloshow at Haus Dietrich
Finissage the 1 of May from 14-18.
Soloshow, Galleri Se Konst, Falun, Sweden. 18 of February – 1 of March. Open daily.
Drinking Fountain, public artwork in bronze for the cultural house Väven in Umeå, Sweden. Will be installed October 2015.
Permanent “interactive” bronze sculpture, installed outside Skandionkliniken, Uppsala, October 2014. Artists involved in the whole project: Carl Boutard,David Svensson Anna Petrus, Filippa Arrias and permanent sound installation – freq_out 1.2 ∞ (Carl Michael von Hausswolff and co). Curated by Lotta Mossum
Rite of Passage is this years exhibition project for Skovsnogen Artspace which is Denmarks largest open-air per-
manent exhibition space for contemporary art. Roland Persson (S), Charlie Roberts (US/NO), Anastasia Ax (SE /GR), Veronica Brovall (SE/D), Nanna Abell (DK), Hartmut Stockter (DE /DK), Jonas Liveröd (S) and Morten Jensen Vågen (NO). Curated by Jonas Liveröd. Using Cavity I and II are permanently installed.
Environmental Impact: Selections from the Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation. Frederick R. Weisman Museum of Art, Pepperdine University. August 26 – November 30, 2014
Here is the clay model 1:1 for the public outdoor work Winners. It will will be casted in bronze and installed in Uppsala, Sweden, fall 2014.
Artworks from APT Institute. Curated by Pamela Auchincloss & Susanne Prinz of Eleven+.
Artists: Hamdi Attia, Rui Calçada Bastos, Agata Bogacka,Veronica Brovall, Rick Buckley, Susanne Bürner, Paolo Chiasera, Jeanne Dunning,Katja Eckert, Barbara Ess,Göran Gnaudschun, Eva Grubinger, Tommy Hartung, Stef Heidhues, Michael Kunze, Lars Morell, Geof Oppenheimer, Yehudit Sasportas, Noé Sendas, Chiharu Shiota, Anatoly Shuravlev, Monika Sosnowska, DavidTer-Organyan, Mungo Thomson, Siebren Versteeg
14 September 2013 – 10 October 2013 Auf AEG 2013, Nuremberg, Germany www.kunstaufaeg.de
Group exhibition curated by Alice D.
Matthias Beckmann, Antje Blumenstein, Veronica Brovall,Marcel Bühler, Sabine Dehnel, Anneke Eussen, Götz Diergarten, Peter Freitag, Stefan Kaminski, Viola Kamp, Alexei Kostroma,Anna Lehmann-Brauns, Nik Nowak, Cornelia Renz, Jakob Roepke, Melissa Steckbauer, Moritz Stumm, Alex Tennigkeit
13 September 2013 – 12 October 2013
www.lsd-galerie.com Potsdamer Straße 65, 10785 Berlin
Veronica Brovall, Sonja Gerdes, Anna Mields
Die lustige Grube, Leipziger Straße 41, 10117 Berlin
12th of July 2013
Documentation from Sonja Gerdes performance
Litography workshop, by invitation.
Vikmanshyttan, Sweden
24th- 28th of June 2013
Hopstreet, Brussels, shows “Run Back For Pants”
“Fullmoon In The City” and “Still At Work”
at Art Brussels 17 - 21 April 2013
Biennale Online, the first exclusively online biennial exhibition of contemporary art, presents the 180 most promising visual artists worldwide. These emerging talents from Europe, North America, South America, Asia, and the Middle East have been selected by 30 leading international curators. Jan Hoet is the artistic director of the first edition of Biennale Online, which is titled Reflection & Imagination. The biennial will open on 26 April 2013.
Solo exhibition OZEAN
Schleiermacherstraße 31, 10961 Berlin
Opening Wednesday the 3 of April 19 Uhr
Exhibition 4.04 – 28.04. Daily 12 – 20 Uhr
Autocenter, Berlin 16.03.2013 – 06.04.2013
12 October 2012- 12 January 2013
Curated by Jan Hoet and Tian Ye, Yinchuan City
Marlene Dumas, Rainer Fetting, Jan Van Imschoot, Michael Borremans, Masato Kobayashi, Veronica Brovall, Wim Delvoye, Brian Tolle, Haegue Yang, Zhong Biao, Xiang Yang, Miao Xiao Chun, Song Dong, Xie Nan Xing, Fengzhengjie, Fang Li Jun, Jiao Xing Tao, Ma Yuan, Chen Wen Ling, He Wenjue, Zhan Wang, Huang Gang, Yang Mao Yuan, Wang Qing Song, Li Zhan Yang, Liu Hong, Xiao Yu, Tian Ye, Yue Minjun, Sui J Ian Guo
The ceramic sculpture “Brain” is now installed at the new hospital ward entrance at Huddinge Sjukhus, Stockholm.
13 February – 15 March, 2013
Venues: European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), European Committee of the Regions (COR), Goethe-Institut Brussels.
An art exhibition on Europe at the European district in Brussels including works from more than thirty artists from fifteen countries. The exhibition deals with the critical fundamentals of the European mind and reflects on cultural freedom from various perspectives. It will take place at The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), The European Committee of the Regions (COR) and the Goethe-Institut Brussels.
Artists, among others: Michaël Aerts, Reza Aramesh, Davide Bertocchi, Olaf Breuning, Veronica Brovall, Michael Clegg & Martin Guttmann, Tim Eitel, Rainer Ganahl, Ane Hjort Guttu, Eberhard Havekost, Enrique Marty, Philip Metten, Jonathan Monk, Frank Nitsche, Nils Norman, Reynold Reynolds & Patrick Jolley, Ariel Schlesinger, Hannes Schmid, Anne-Marie Schneider, Nedko Solakov, Johan Vangeluwe, Koen Vanmechelen, Heidi Voet
Curated by Filip Luyckx.
Read more here.